Games, marketing, the web and new technology

Monday, October 17, 2005

The new PSP: Evidence of poor design

The new Sony Play Station Portable (PSP) is here and with the ability to play games and Universal Media Disc (UMD) films as well as whole lot more, this handheld device should be the gadget of the year.

but as with most multi function devices problems arise when all these extra features are present on the one device. The PSP is evidence that huge companies are still guilty of po
or design.

Due to the large screen Sony have sacrificed the functionalityof the primary controls, it has effected the square button (a problem which Sony is well aware of) and caused problems with dead pixels on the edges of the screen.

A report by G4 gaming magazine has highlighted that the game makers for the PSP have also complained about the UMD function within the PSP as it has influenced the way they have had to produce games. The games companies complaining the software running the games is not functioning properly because of the UMD software.

Proof that big companies such as Sony can still make errors were the design of their products is concerned is shown in the PSP. These areas of concern however did not effect the sales of the PSP which have soared.


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