Games, marketing, the web and new technology

Thursday, November 30, 2006

FFF'n new games

You can shoot everything you see on screen explore the game world, audio and visual cues reveal an enemy about to strike, no this is not the latest FPS (first person shooter), it is in fact Asteroids.

New games and game consoles are re discovering the original games of the 70s and 80s and are using there basic gameplay elements to create new titles aimed at the casual gamer. But not only new games have had this retro re fit, new consoles are incorporating classic games as a marketing ploy for their on-line playing service. Both next gen consoles the Nintendo wii and the Playstation 3 will have free access to an on-line back catalogue of classic games to promote the new service.

This form
follows function (FFF) approach is changing opinions on what actually can be a successful game. Flow is one example a simple game were creature eats creature its well thought out gameplay attracts gamers even though its visuals are very simple. This game was chosen to show what Sonys hardware was capable off at a recent japanese games expo. These type of games are generally inexpensive, but each new games has to have an innovative gameplay feature to it to ensure its success.

This FFF approach flies in the face of traditional game
development models were every dollar was spent on what the player sees on screen. Now more intuitive gameplay is the order of the day, developers are trying to produce truly original games. There is a fine balancing with regards to budget for games in this genre as they spend more on the game mechanics but reduce from the visuals, so higher risks are taken in the eyes of the games company executives so it is still considered a niche market. But with future developments in this field this could be the future of games


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