Games, marketing, the web and new technology

Friday, December 01, 2006

Mobile gaming

Playing games on your mobile has been around for a while now, but not much has changed in the way these games are developed. Games on mobiles just seem to be smaller versions of their 'big brother' counterparts (Fig 1). But are these games truly mobile, they do not take advantage of some of the new features on most mobile phones, GPS, blue tooth, sms, mms, exploring the web and infrared.

Fig 1
(splinter cell)

mobile game conception has grown stale of late and innovation has disappeared, there have been some location based games but most of these have revloved around the same theme, you go here this pings your phone. Some games are starting to be developed involving good gameplay characteristics but there does seam to be a lack of these types of mobile games

using the features within a mobile phone the possibilities are endless in terms of good quality gaming that is truly mobile, and breaking away from the mini version of other games that in essence are not mobile at all (except that u can put it in your pocket)


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